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Disponible en polvo a granel, cápsulas o marca blanca.

información general

Composición del polvo



Citrato de magnesio


Vitamina D3 (vegana)


Vitamina MK-7


Resto de compuestos de D3 y K2


Mezcla patentada LipoCellTech™ Liposomal (fosfolípidos)**




Composición del polvo



Citrato de magnesio


Vitamina D3 (vegana)


Vitamina MK-7


Resto de compuestos de D3 y K2


Mezcla patentada LipoCellTech™ Liposomal (fosfolípidos)**




Formulación sugerida por cápsula



Citrato de magnesio

300 mg


(de los cuales Magnesio)

45 mg


Mezcla patentada LipoCellTech™ Liposomal (fosfolípidos)**

142 mg


Vitamina K2 (MK-7)

60 mcg


Vitamina D3 (Vegana)

18 mcg


Total cápsula

442,078 mg

Formulación por cápsula



Citrato de magnesio

300 mg


(de los cuales Magnesio)

45 mg


Mezcla patentada LipoCellTech™ Liposomal (fosfolípidos)**

142 mg


Vitamina K2 (MK-7)

60 mcg


Vitamina D3 (Vegana)

18 mcg



442,078 mg

*Valores de referencia de nutrientes no establecidos
**De aceite de girasol no modificado genéticamente y aceite de palma sostenible certificado por la RSPO
Otros ingredientes: HPMC (cápsula vegetal)
No contiene: gluten, soja, lactosa, OMG, conservantes, colorantes ni aromas sintéticos

Permitted Health Claims in Europe (EFSA):

Vitamin K

  • Contributes to healthy blood clotting, contributes to maintaining strong bones.

Vitamin D

  • Contributes to good calcium absorption from food.
  • Increases calcium absorption into the bones.
  • The Health Council of the Netherlands recommends that old age pensioners and people with darker skin take extra vitamin D to help strengthen their bones.
  • Contributes to normal muscle function.
  • Contributes to calcium and phosphorus absorption from food.
  • Promotes a healthy/good blood calcium level.
  • Has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Contributes to strong teeth.
  • Helps to reduce the risks of falling due to posture instability and muscle weakness. Falling is a risk factor for fractures in men and women over 60, the Health Council of the Netherlands recommends that seniors and people with darker skin take extra vitamin D to help strengthen their bones.


  • For maintaining strong bones.
  • Contributes to the process of cell renewal.
  • Helps with the creation of (body) protein.
  • Helps with maintaining regular balance in the body’s water and mineral levels.
  • Activates the body’s natural energy.
  • Contributes to normal energy levels, is important for the creation and maintenance of strong teeth, is good for learning performance, ability to concentrate, and memory, good for a healthy mental balance.
  • Plays a role in maintaining strong and flexible muscles.
  • Contributes to reduced fatigue and tiredness.
  • Has a positive effect on nerve system function.

Recommended Dosage​

As a food supplement, take 1 capsule per day with plenty of water, during a meal or as advised.

Quality Assurance: Ensuring Safety and Purity with Our Certified Production Process​

Produced in a GMP certified facility, ingredients and production are in line with HACCP*** standards. All batches are fully tested for contaminants. We guarantee that this product is gluten free and GMO free.

***HACCP- (Hazard analysis critical control point) is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.

More Information about Liposomal Vitamin D3 K2 Magnesium

Dr. Weston A. Price wrote about Activator-X in his book Nutrition and Physical degeneration which he found to be an important vitamin found mainly in animal products, particularly grass-fed animals. A decade later a researcher isolated Vitamin K1 and also K2, which is most likely Activator-X. Since then it has been found that vitamin K2 to be of importance in many metabolic processes and in particular for Calcium absorption and bone health.1,2 It’s role in this, in combination with vitamin D3 and Magnesium has become widely accepted.

Most western diets are low in vitamin K2 thus supplementation, (particularly for vegans), can be very useful. Our formula has a plant-based D3 which makes this product suitable for vegans.

Vitamin D3 helps with regular absorption of calcium from food and a normal blood calcium level. It also aids the process of cell renewal and supports the body’s immune system. Vitamin K2 ensures that calcium gets to where it needs to be in the bones. This process is reinforced by the presence of Magnesium, which is used in bone growth and to keep bones and teeth strong.

The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 with magnesium increases calcium absorption in the bones, contributes to regular energy levels, and has a positive impact on the function of the nerve system.

  1. Capozzi A, Scambia G, Lello S. Calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K2, and magnesium supplementation and skeletal health. Maturitas. 2020 Oct;140:55-63. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2020.05.020. Epub 2020 May 30. PMID: 32972636.
  2. Mandatori D, Penolazzi L, Pelusi L, Lambertini E, Michelucci F, Porreca A, Cerritelli P, Pipino C, Di Iorio A, Bruni D, Di Nicola M, Buda R, Piva R, Pandolfi A. Three-Dimensional Co-Culture System of Human Osteoblasts and Osteoclast Precursors from Osteoporotic Patients as an Innovative Model to Study the Role of Nutrients: Focus on Vitamin K2. Nutrients. 2021 Aug 17;13(8):2823. doi: 10.3390/nu13082823. PMID: 34444982; PMCID: PMC8399348.

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Kerkplein 9-G • 3764 AW Soest • Holanda

LipoCellTech™ Reino Unido

Down Park Coach House • Turners Hill Road Crawley Down West Sussex • RH10 4HQ • Reino Unido

LipoCellTech™ Estados Unidos

535 Rogers Street • Clearwater, FL 33756 • RH10 4HQ • Estados Unidos

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